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Raising Independent Children


Updated: Feb 4, 2021

As parents, it feels good—great even —when our kids need us. When they turn to us for guidance, affection, even that healthy sandwich. Those are all good things.

Teaching them to do things for themselves is just part of being an amazing parent. Think of it as a gift that keeps on giving!

From little steps like letting them pick out their own clothes to tying their own shoes, to helping them learn to weigh out what to spend their allowance on to choosing a college that suits them. Every little decision they make, right or wrong, along the way is a learning experience that will help lead them to be independent people we can be proud of.

Here are six simple steps to help your kids embrace independence.

1 Encourage Effort

That perfection thing is overrated and it causes a lot of anxiety for kids. In fact, some kids are so locked into the fear of failure – they won’t even try. Instead, focus on the effort. Encourage your kids to try new things, to go out of their comfort zones and be creative without the pressure to succeed or win or be perfect.

2 Family Contributions

Every member of a family plays an important role in a successfully running household.

From setting the table to picking up toys – encouraging kids to contribute in age-appropriate ways teaches them that they are part of an indispensable team that needs them! This builds their confidence and encourages them to want to do even more.

3 Promote Problem Solving

Curb your desire to jump in and fix. When a problem arises, wait. Give your child the opportunity to come up with solutions. Ask them “How?” questions. How could you make your sister feel better after you took her action figure?” “How could you make sure you get up in time to make the bus?” If you want them to think for themselves, don’t provide all the answers.

4 Take Time for Training

Each week, work on learning something new in a fun and engaging way. As children learn new skills and tasks, they feel more confident in learning the next one. Who knows, they may even help you learn something new!

5 Hand Over the Reins

Every single day is filled with hundreds of choices. Apple or banana? Badminton or Football? Red shoes or blue? Allowing your children to make those small choices gives them a sense of control and dominion over their lives which leads to independent thinking.

It also helps them take ownership of those choices – for some reason that cereal tastes so much better since they picked it!

6 Structure as a Safety Net

Providing structured routines for mornings, afternoons and evenings gives your kids the safety net they need to try new things in a controlled environment. That helps keep them from feeling overwhelmed by the process, and helps you keep the peace!

Raising kids to be independent thinkers and to take a proactive role in their everyday lives is a little scary for some parents at first. Don’t worry, they’ll always need you.

Join our academy today to learn how to sharpen your child's life skills, overcome their fear of sharing their opinions, and help them master ways to deliver effectively each and every time. Brush up on their communication, leadership and entrepreneur skills and help them become independent learners here!

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